Winston's WheelsÂ
Giving dogs the chance to walk again
Winston's wheels charity was created in order to help dogs that need extra support. We loan out wheels to give dogs there freedom back.
Our charity helps dogs that need wheels across the UK and Northern Ireland.
If you require help and find you can not afford to purchase your own. Then get in touch and we will assess your application.
We set up the charity due to a very special boy called Winston.
In May 2017, at the age of 9, Winston was diagnosed with a tumour on his spine. Within a short time, he lost the use of his hind legs.
Winston had an extra 4 years in his wheelchair and was a very happy staffie.
This Charity is now his legacy and since his passing in June 2020 we carry his memory on.
"He didn't let anything hold him back and was so happy"

How can I help?
Winston's Wheels Merchandise